Aircraft noise hater really likes the look of that Redcliffe property 

A Perth resident who absolutely can’t stand airplane noise has taken a very keen look at a property in Redcliffe for sale. 

The resident who even complains about airplane noise while attending the airport to commute says that it would be the perfect for for them to live. Adding,

“I was inspired by a recent report about a resident who lodged more than half the total complaints about airplane noise in Australia. That’s the sort of lifestyle I can really see myself getting around”

The resident is close to putting in a rather substantial offer for the Redcliffe property but admits that a few houses in Guildford, Kewdale, and Canning Vale also tickles their pickle.

We spoke to a real estate agent who said the resident asked A LOT of questions about air traffic, airplane noises and anticipated upgrades to the airport. They told The Times,

“They just wanted to make sure that they were buying into a truly disruptive area. They said they’re moving after buying a property next to a busy suburban pub but no longer got the same “thrill” from trying to get the venue closed down”

We asked the resident about their actions of moving next to a busy suburban pub and complaining about the noise. They told The Times,

“I’d always hated the sounds of pubs & entertainment so it was amazing to spend a miserable 5 years making complaints about them but ultimately I think I prefer the thrill of trying to get an entire airport closed down or routes or times changed to coincide with my favourite TV shows. Have you ever seen The Chase? How good! So, so, so good”

Good luck in your future endeavours. 

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