Beloved SOR open house announces shock closure

The operators of a popular SOR open house have made the shock announcement that they will be closing effective immediately.

They blame a combination of the cost of living, a police raid and the rise of modern dealing technology such as Telegram for the sad news. A member of the crew told The Times,

“We’ve been providing a substandard product at an inflated cost to our beloved customers for years but our overheads just went to the moon. Lawyers aren’t cheap and the police caught us with shitloads. Talk to Spyda over on *redacted* he’s got the dirty 30s we were able to get out in time”

A spokesperson for the WA Police said while it was a “sad day” they were obliged to do their job. Adding,

“Obviously the new frontline on the war on drugs is via apps like Telegram. It’s rare to see a bunch of knuckleheads run an operation like this due to the incredibly high chance of getting caught”

No doubt the operators concede that they should’ve adapted to better, more modern practices but ultimately the open house model was all they knew.

The news soon spread around the SOR neighbourhood with many customers looking anxious about where they’ll go now.

We spoke to Dielyn who told The Times he’d enjoy the open house’s fresh herbs in circumstances where he literally had no other choice. Adding,

“Yeah they were the last resort and I think they were for everyone in the community. No one’s going to an open house to get their ozzies, it’s just when you’re out and need a bag of choof quickly”

A sad day indeed.