Influencer Asks Bugle Player To Go Again After Stuffing Up TikTok At ANZAC Dawn Service

An aspiring influencer has had a busy morning creating content at a local ANZAC Dawn Service but sadly had a bit of a malfunction when it came to filming the traditional playing of Reveille after the minute of silence. 

In an act of unspeakable audaciousness, the influencer approached the man to explain her predicament. A witness told The Times,

“She was beside herself. She’d woken up so early to get her makeup done and completely cooked the main event for the influencer ANZAC Day dance card. You could really see the disgust on the bugle player’s face when she asked”

However, the influencer doesn’t understand what all the fuss is about. Surely if it’s a song of respect then playing it twice is double respectful. She continued,

“It’s a two-way street. I come and show my respects – lest we don’t remember – and I walk away with some awesome content on the day. What’s wrong with that? Why is everyone looking at me like that?”

A member of the public had to step in after the influencer mistook the man’s repulsion for simply not understanding the request. He told The Times,

“Yeah, she started to ask again but slower. Asked if the man had a head injury from the war and I could tell it was going to end badly. I told her there was an ANZAC biscuit that kind of had the shape of a slouch hat. That worked luckily”

We spoke to the bugle player in question who confirmed that it was the lowest he’d seen an influencer sink at the service. A true achievement. 

Documenting the Human Zoo is thirsty work, so if you enjoyed what you read how about buying Belle a beer, ay?