A Toyota 300 Series owner has struck a deal with the WACA to lease some of their lights over fears he wasn’t obliterating enough retinas while driving at night.
To say the man is chuffed with his new lights is an understatement. In fact, since installing them a few days ago, the man has literally not taken his foot off the pedal at night. He told The Times,
“It’s all about safety. After all, wouldn’t you want to know you were sharing the road with a 300 series from half way across Perth?”
Not only has he caused several accidents but he has taken a real “shine” to parking outside people’s homes and helping them with their electricity bill. He continued,
“Everyone is feeling the cost of living crisis and I’m here to help. You’ll need those Scandinavian blackout curtains to stop my beams penetrating your living room while you’re trying to watch the telly ha ha. I reckon they could also reheat a bowl of soup ha ha”
Of course, not everyone on the road feels that affixing powerful stadium lights to a 4WD is a good idea. We spoke to one motorist who said she doesn’t even like driving at night due to the excessive amount of lumens she’s faced with each day. Adding,
“It’s not just the brightness but also that painful unwarm white light. Not to mention it seems every meathead has theirs pointed directly at my face. Don’t even get me started on all the extra lights they add to their pieces of shit. Have they ever actually taken them off road where such illumination would be handy?”
Naturally, the answer is no.
Documenting the Human Zoo is thirsty work, so if you enjoyed what you read how about buying Belle a beer, ay?