Like it or not, Halloween is becoming a “thing” here in Australia more and more each year. Why not embrace it and calm down?
The Ghost of Baysie Bridge
Some say that Baysie is more truck-thirsty since she was condemned to death for her sins. No doubt she’ll continue to haunt the Metronet project and even possess other bridges around Perth to take a few scalps of their own. Spooky!

The Urban Sprawl
It’s hard to think of anything much scarier than the unrelenting vastness of Perth’s urban sprawl. Experience true terror as you try to marry the concepts of cramped, estate living while also surrounded by endless nothingness! Yuck!

That friend you run into at Garden City Thursday Night
Christ. This might be going too far. Just imagine the horror on your face as you do your best to weasel out of a coffee date that will almost certainly end up in a pyramid selling proposal! Oh and no doubt you’ll be dressed like shit because you thought you wouldn’t run into anyone! Horrific!

A wet heat
It’s every Perth resident’s greatest fear. That moment when they have to critically analyse how “dry” our heat really is. Or to lie to yourself that your evaporative airconditioner is doing a fine job. Terrifying.

Armadale Line Replacement Bus
When the Armadale Line shuts down for 18 months the residents will be subjected to a truly awful fate. Replacement buses. In the South East. May god have mercy on their souls. More HERE.

A Jetstar Flight
The horror of this one really goes without saying. Without doubt the worst airline operating in WA. May you never have to catch another one again.

Documenting the Human Zoo is thirsty work, so if you enjoyed what you read how about buying Belle a beer, ay?