The ACCC Inquiry has made a bold recommendation in its inquiry findings after being personally aggrieved by the retail giant.
It is understood that members of the ACCC needed to duck out to get some lunch of the weekend and got pranked by some classic Woolies-maths on a supposed “special”.
Naturally, the special was anything but special and the man was left fuming. Deciding that “Woolies” no longer deserved the honour of getting an Aussie nickname.
In a statement from the ACCC they clarified that it wasn’t a permanent ban and the massive retailer had the ability to earn the nickname back if they stopped being such dogkents. Adding,
“Coles never even earned a nickname. So Woolworths should respect the privileged position they are in to be given one. Clearly they have not earned the respect of the Aussie people and the nickname should be removed accordingly”
It’s understood that Maccas has been dangerously close to similar sanctions over the frustration felt with their ever-broken ice cream machines.
Documenting the Human Zoo is thirsty work, so if you enjoyed what you read how about buying Belle a beer, ay?