American authorities thank the Kwinana Motorplex sniper experts for coming out of retirement to advise on Trump Rally shooting

Unexpected heroes have arisen in the aftermath of the Trump Rally shooting today as every Kwinana Motorplex sniper expert came out of retirement to give a blow-by-blow analysis of what happened.

American authorities have thanked the experts and remarked on how impressive their analysis is, given they are located over 18,000km away and only have a handful of confirmed facts on hand.

A spokesperson for the American Secret Service told The Times,

“Luckily the alleged trigger man didn’t have the accuracy of these armchair experts or we’d be one presidential candidate down. How do they know exactly what happened? Everything from trajectory of projectiles to body guard protocol. It’s down right impressive”

We spoke to an expert who told The Times that after analysing the same video everyone else has seen he reckons it’s a set up. Adding,

“Why aren’t people running? How does he get such perfect photo ops? Now, if this was a real attempt you’d expect to see a different blood splatter pattern. Trust me, it’s a false flag!”

Another expert took a contrary view and gave a detailed analysis of the sounds heard and what calibre he thought they were working with. He also said light conditions would’ve been too bright and the sun may’ve been a factor. He works as a warehouse foreman.

Certainly, a lot to think about and given the media will feverishly report on any unconfirmed rumour, you can only expert the level analysis from the armchair experts to get better and better.