BOM detects intense low pressure system in Geelong

Top BOM meteorologists have been left scratching their heads after their fandangled machines indicated that there was an intense low pressure system in Geelong this afternoon.

Despite the blue skies and pleasant weather, everything was indicating a low pressure system that could quite easily bring a cyclone. Especially during the first and second quarter of the Eagles v Cats game. 

A spokesperson for BOM told The Times,

“Typically the sort of low pressure we were detecting would bring all sorts of horrible weather. Wind, rain and yes, even cyclones however the sun was shining and the breeze was gentle. What was this low pressure we were detecting?”

Further analysts were able to identify that the weather was almost completely unique to Kardinia Park and particularly dramatic in the areas Geelong’s forwards seem to be occupying. 

On a completely unrelated note, the West Coast Eagles suffered a hefty loss to the Geelong Cats after playing about a quarter and a half of football this afternoon. 

When asked if the two observations could be related a BOM analyst told The Times,

“Was the pressure really that low? To create a microcosm with its own unique weather? So intense it could create catastrophic conditions?”

In the first half, yeah.