BREAKING: Mature Aged Student Has Nothing to Add

A mature aged student has left his fellow students stunned this morning after going an entire lecture without hijacking the topic with a personal anecdote or counter-lecture of his own.

Students say the man aged 47, also demonstrated a respectful demeanour while student half his age answered and asked questions throughout the 2 hour lecture. One student told The Times,

“Normally he corrects our answers before the lecturer does or sometimes he even corrects our questions. Today though, he allowed other people, including the lecturer, to talk. What has come over him?”

The true test was always going to be the end of the session, when typically, the lecturer will ask the class if there were any questions before they wrap it up.

This is a tense time for students wanting to get to the pub or go and pull some cones in the car park. All eyes were on the mature aged student as he sat quietly. A student described the scene,

“Normally, him or his ilk will bring up this convoluted story from his past life as some successful businessman. They like to position themselves as a sort of Jesus with a parable but he didn’t say shit. When the lecturer said that was all we were shocked”

We managed to track down the mature aged student who said he didn’t have anything to add throughout the lecture and was satisfied with the information provided. Adding,

“The good Lord gave us two ears and one mouth and we should use them in those proportions I think. Why should everyone sit and listen to my irrelevant egowank while they have places to be”

We can report that the man has been referred to medical services to determine whether he has sustained a head injury. Something isn’t adding up here.

Documenting the Human Zoo is thirsty work, so if you enjoyed what you read how about buying Belle a beer, ay?