Hoon Regrets Attitude Somewhat After Cop Slaps A Canary On Crooked

A Perth hoon has lamented his aggressive bravado after being pulled over this morning after the cops decided to give his car a thorough inspection. Finding multiple defects in the process. Alas, if he could’ve taken about 50% off his attitude things may have ended up more favourably for the man.

However, unable to stop antagonising the police, the man continued down a dangerous road. Which eventually led to the police telling the man they’ll be giving him a default notice for his car. Then the world started playing out in slow motion for the man as he saw what happened next. He told The Times,

“Everyone knows if they slap the canary on crooked it’s a sign to the guys at the pits to really take you to the cleaners. I’m talking, bend you over a barrel, unlubed, and roger you six ways to financial doom Sunday. Fark, why am I like this?”

As the morning rolled on, the young hoon was forced to reflect on his conduct and in a rare moment of introspection concedes that the cops pulling him over for a faulty brake light probably didn’t need to end up like this. He told The Times,

“Instead of apologising and saying I’d fix it, I asked him what it was like being a traffic cop little bitch. In retrospect, I reckon that was a mistake. I also reckon I shouldn’t have continued to goad them about ‘real crime’ while they were checking out all my shit”

Shockingly, he also regrets the 5 references to smelling bacon he made while the police were writing the default notice. In his eyes that could’ve been the final straw. In his words, “at least 3 of those were probably unnecessary”.

We wish him all the best on Marketplace where he’ll attempt to get 10k for his car with the canary clearly on. You can’t blame him for his optimism.

MORE WA NEWS: “Perth is not a big country town!” Says Man Doing His Best To Look Like A Jackaroo Everyday

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