A Fremantle resident has created quite the scene down in South Beach this morning after enjoying what many are referring to as a “miracle” –…
View More Man shocks onlookers by enjoying a clean flush at the South Beach toiletsCategory: Local
Man loads up a trolley with toilet paper to create some panic for old times’ sake
A Baldivis man was feeling equal parts bored & nostalgic this afternoon when he decided to load up a trolley full of toilet paper to…
View More Man loads up a trolley with toilet paper to create some panic for old times’ sakeBOMBSHELL: Stirling Highway named in released Epstein papers
An elite & powerful highway hailing from Perth has been sensationally named in the Epstein papers which have been released by the American Courts this…
View More BOMBSHELL: Stirling Highway named in released Epstein papersMan returning to the Perth CBD early this week notices no difference in city liveliness
CBD worker Dave has decided to “take one for the team” and head into work during the first week back to man the fort. While…
View More Man returning to the Perth CBD early this week notices no difference in city livelinessFormer 6110 girl can still feel the Gosnells coming up when someone aggrieves her
It has been a long time since Taylah walked the leafy burbs of the 6110. After graduating TAFE, Taylah went on to run an empire…
View More Former 6110 girl can still feel the Gosnells coming up when someone aggrieves herPolice confirm Ford Rangers were added to fleet because to catch a criminal you have to think like a criminal
In a rare moment of transparency, the Western Australian Police Force has admitted that the reason they added the Ford Ranger to their fleet was…
View More Police confirm Ford Rangers were added to fleet because to catch a criminal you have to think like a criminal