In a move that is bound to restore faith in the company, Optus hopes that its latest congratulatory email finds you well. They have retrieved…
View More Optus emails customers congratulating them after retrieving stolen data, they just need a one-off $5k Western Union payment for the company Prince’s admin feesCategory: BREAKING NEWS
WA couple in a pretty commanding position to start up a farmer’s market after latest visit to nonno
A young WA couple now has enough stock to run a small farmer’s market out the back of their home after a quick visit to…
View More WA couple in a pretty commanding position to start up a farmer’s market after latest visit to nonnoBunbury Farmers Market Parking Attendant Needs To Go To His Happy Place Urgently
After the trauma of the Easter holidays, Simon was ready to walk away from the world of parking attending but after his vague plan to…
View More Bunbury Farmers Market Parking Attendant Needs To Go To His Happy Place UrgentlyFreo line commuters urged to exercise extreme caution this week as Royal Show attendees are on the loose
TransPerth has warned regular commuters to reassess their need to travel via the train network this week given the influx of Royal Show attendees has…
View More Freo line commuters urged to exercise extreme caution this week as Royal Show attendees are on the loosePerth couple realise honeymoon period is over after public argument about toilet paper at the shops
A reasonably fresh mid-30’s Perth couple has come to grips with the reality of their relationship after longing eyes & sweet nothings turned into public…
View More Perth couple realise honeymoon period is over after public argument about toilet paper at the shopsAgeing millennial asks DoT if they could knock a few years off her date of birth seeing as they are feeling so generous with new licence numbers
39-year-old, Carla, has taken the opportunity to ask the Department of Transport if they’d knock a few years off her date of birth while they…
View More Ageing millennial asks DoT if they could knock a few years off her date of birth seeing as they are feeling so generous with new licence numbers