Colonoscopy reveals media’s source of AFL trade rumours

It is being hailed as a breakthrough discovery after a colonoscopy discovered just where key figures in the AFL media were pulling their trade mail from.

The Gastroenterologist conducting the exam said that despite the significance of the discovery he wasn’t surprised in the slightest. Adding,

“I think every AFL fan has had a hunch that the journalists pull a lot of this stuff out of their arse but now we have the proof”

Further research into the discovery is being undertaken with a lead researcher telling The Times,

“We are looking into the relationship between the need for AFL media to stay relevant during the off season and retrieving little nuggets of so-called information off the ol’ pinga shelf. I think we’ll find that the depth they’ll dig around up there will increase dramatically the longer cricket is being plugged on the TV”

Of course, the scientists conducting the study want to make one thing clear – that if a trade rumour does turn out to be true it doesn’t necessarily mean that it didn’t originate from the same source. With one adding,

“On the topic of all things shit, if you through enough of it at a wall, something will stick. There’s only 18 teams and so many players out of contract so the odds of getting the occasional one correct isn’t too extreme”

Good to know.