Controversy in the Olympic breakdancing after this kid was seen interfering

The integrity of Breaking has been called into question after a small, ratty, Finnish kid with a Mp3 player remote was seen influencing the dancers during yesterdays competition.

Olympic officials are at a loss to explain the kid’s powers – seemingly being able to pause and restart the dances at his will. An official spokesperson told The Times,

“I’d love to be able to give you answers straight from the top of my dome but this controversy has rock, rock, rock, rocked the IOC. It’s strange stuff but we can’t deny it happened”

It was only when watching the replay did the judges notice the interference as like the dancers they too were under the control of this dreadlocked demon child.

An Aussie punter who went to watch the Breaking told The Times that he had a strange encounter with the kid at the train station en route to the event. He told The Times,

“I walked past this kid and he gave me the eye. So after I passed him I turned to face him and busted down Aussiana. I think that’s what the kids say. I hit ’em with everything I got and he just turned around an froze me. I don’t think that’s a very fear dance battle”

Accordingly, the IOC will be looking at ways to keep the kid from interfering in future heats of the Breaking. Even calling in the help of two Finnish hip hop artists who seem to be immune to his controls.