Couple taking advantage of quieter off-peak holiday down south outraged not everywhere is open for them 

A Perth couple has decided to take a cheeky winter holiday down south due to the cheaper accommodation and more relaxed environment. 

It was the perfect plan until they arrived and their own entitled attitudes blew up in their faces like puffer fish at a helium convention. 

At first, it was exactly the holiday they romanticised, the roaring ocean, the empty car parks, and the freedom to go the speed limit without being stuck behind a breeder-wagon doing 60 on a 90 kph road.

Then, a winery that Sue really wanted to visit wasn’t open. Outraged, she checked the website advised of the modified winter hours. Needless to say, she didn’t take it well. She told The Times,

“This shithole town wouldn’t survive without my tourism dollars! They least they can do is stay open for those generous enough to visit them during winter! I will be letting them know face to face the minute they open on Friday! Disgusting!”

Her partner Ken echoed the frustration and it came to a head when he felt like a coffee and a local cafe wasn’t open. He was fuming when he told us,

“I told Sue, if we go to one more cafe that isn’t open exactly when I want it to be we are turning around and driving back to Perth. I expect to eat my cake and have it too”

Clearly, Sue & Ken envisaged a fully pumping down south experience and for businesses to run at a substantial loss so they can be open for when Ken & Sue decide they’ll drop $30 on a pizza. That’ll keep the lights on. 

To ensure their complaints are being heard, Sue & Ken have decided to burden the businesses that are open during the winter months with their woes.

We spoke to a Dunsborough business owner who said he had the displeasure of their company earlier today. He added,

“I told him that not all businesses down here were robust enough to survive the leaner months, I put it to them that they knew they were coming for a quieter holiday and that should have been obvious to them”

Sue left a very lengthy complaint on his FB page after THAT little attempt to hold up a mirror to their bullshit.