Daniel Ricciardo cops his toughest grilling yet

Life as one of Australia’s top F1 drivers has meant Daniel Ricciardo has had to get used to some pretty brutal media scrutiny. Alas, he has truly met his match in this interview.

There is something about Daniel’s energy, even under such an intense grilling that is so uplifting. Check out his interview here:

Hats off to Caleb for bringing up all the major talking points in the Aussie F1 scene (especially the hard hitting questions about koala STIs)

However, it has to be some kind of contrevention of international law for an American to not ask an Aussie (especially Ricciardo) about shoeys.

We’ll reach out to Caleb and find out why he thinks he’s too good to do a shoey in front of Dan. After all, foriegners seem legitimately confused that Australia indeed has glassware when they come here.

Read more about the shoey lifestyle HERE.

Documenting the Human Zoo is thirsty work, so if you enjoyed what you read how about buying Belle a beer, ay?
