FIFO camp caterers seeking permission to drop the facade and serve workers via a communal trough

Catering service providers like ESS and Sodexo have been locked in tough negotiations with big miners to do away with the lingering delusion of culinary aptitude and embrace a new era.

If they get their way, slop will literally be on the menu and not just be a derogatory name for the food they prepare.

A source close to ESS & Sodexo told The Times,

“Think of the money saved, no need for dish washers or kitchen equipment outside a big pressure cooker to turn all the days prep into a nutritious slurry”

The source proved it wasn’t that bad and took out a bottle full of blended fish & chips, lamb chops, spag bog & tacos,

“See? Now you don’t have to choose! You can just accept that big business doesn’t see you as human and get it up your snout ha ha”

Naturally, big miners are keen to save a buck also but want to make sure the illusion of dignity was maintained.

Our source told The Times that the trough will meet all necessary regulations under agricultural law and that more senior members of the FIFO roster will be given the option to enjoy a feed bag strapped to their head in their dongas.

Well, as long as it meets livestock standards.