Geraldton man now serving fondue in his grundies

A Geraldton man well known for his questionable crotch-hygiene has had a rough time today as the mercury tipped almost 50 at one stage.

While everything was normal while he was chilling inside, things took a gourmet turn after he went on a supply run to the shops. He told The Times,

“While walking to the bottlo I thought, what’s that smell? I should go and pick up some corn chips ha ha. Queso, for one”

Indeed the intense temperatures mixed with the friction of the walk have rendered down his usual deposit of dick cheese into a fondue like state.

We spoke to his ex who told The Times,

“Surprise, surprise, ol Babybel is still churning dairy down there. You know why we call him babybel? Because it’s small and its cheesy haha, YUCK”

We asked the man if he was considering a nice thorough wash tonight. He told The Times,

“Nah, prolly not ay”

Fair enough then.

Documenting the Human Zoo is thirsty work, so if you enjoyed what you read how about buying Belle a beer, ay?