JB Hi-Fi offering customers a toilet to flush their money down to see if an extended warranty is for them 

JB Hi-FI has taken the novel step of providing an inhouse toilet that customers can flush a wad of cash down to better help them decide if they should opt for the extended warranty. 

An industry insider said a lot of JB’s competitors are looking on with great interest at this “genius” sales technique. With one telling The Times,

“A lot of retail chains are wondering why they didn’t think of it first. If you love the feeling of flushing our hard earned away literally then you’re going to cream yourself when you do it figuratively on an extended warranty”

The idea came to them after a class action lawsuit was commenced last year that alleges that pricey warranties they offered customers were rights they already had under consumer law. 

We spoke to a JB customer who had recently used the toilet after buying a pair of $300 noise cancelling headphones. He told The Times,

“Seeing my money so blatantly wasted down the S-Bend really got me in the mood for more. I even asked the sales person if I could get two extended warranties! Ha ha, I hate my savings”

The cash toilet will also have an Eftpos feature for those tech savvy customers who want to feel the thrill but don’t carry around hard cash.