A local renter has fist pumped after hearing the RBA decided to lower interest rates by 25 basis points today.
Previously, the property manager he deals with has justified the despicable rent increases on the grounds that interest rates have risen thus increasing costs to his landlord.
So surely the opposite will be true, right? Well Todd thinks so, telling The Times,
“I believe everything that my landlord and property manager communicate to me. My rent went up 100 bucks every 6 months until they brought in a law outlawing that ha ha, bloody interest rates! So now it’s time for Todd to reap the benefits!”
Although those in Todd’s inner circle have accused the man of being “delusional” and even questioning whether he sustained a head injury today.
We spoke to his mate Sarah who told The Times,
“I didn’t have the heart to tell Todd that there is a 100% chance the property manager will simply fall back on supply & demand to justify another disgusting rent increase for him. God, he is naive”
Good luck Todd.
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