While it takes years of study to become a psychiatrist, local Perth woman Samanfa feels she’s obtained the necessary life-course-credits to accurately diagnose every dropkick she dates with a psychological disorder.
Samanfa typically presents her findings on “Am I Dating the Same Man?” forums and never shies away from a tough diagnosis. She told The Times,
“The last guy I dated was 100% an undiagnosed narcissist. Clear signs that he had NPD was that he flipped out when he saw I posted him in this group asking for tea and ended it! Well, safe to say he isn’t undiagnosed now, ladies he’s a narcissist, steer clear!”
Of the last 8 losers, Samanfa dated, an astounding 8/8 had NPD according to her, another 4 had clear sociopathic tendencies and one was definitely a psychopath. Far outweighing the national averages of such conditions.
We asked Samanfa how she went about diagnosing these conditions. She told The Times,
“I spend all my free time watching true crime shows and have picked up a lot about these types. The number of guys who ask me for money and then break up before paying me back is unbelievable! That’s Dahmer level twisted!”
Although, not everyone in Samanfa’s circles believes she is qualified to make these calls. With some suggesting that she just dates meatheads.
We spoke to one of Samanfa’s besties who told The Times,
“I don’t think these guys are narcissists, I just think they are shitcunts. If we started diagnosing people for being scumbags we’d all be pretty busy. Doesn’t help that her type is a fuckwit”
Certainly something to think about.
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