Major shakeup to taxi industry after announcement the “drunkcunt button” will be removed

It was recently announced that some taxis in WA will be moving to a fixed-rate system rather than metered fare.

Consumers can book a taxi through the app much like an Uber. However this isn’t the chance that has got people salivating.

A spokesperson for the Taxi industry has confirmed they will be removing the “drunkcunt” button – that button on the meter that is often pressed at the end of a ride which mysteriously jacks it up. A particularly useful technique used when the customer is too pissed to notice.

We spoke to a local pisswreck who said the drunkcunt button was the very thing keeping him away from taxis for all this time. Adding,

“Remember when you used to just watch that meter tick over. Every extra dollar making you feel more sick than the dodgy kebab ya just woofed down. Then at the end it just jumps 5 bucks and you feel violated. yeah, that’s why I stopped using taxis. If that’s gone I might go back because Ubers suck too”

Indeed, it appears the population has become as dissatisfied with Uber drivers as they were with taxi drivers.

This is largely due to cancelled fares, excessive surcharges and false reports of yacking in their car and attracted a large additional fee.

Good times ahead!