Man deploys strategic Crooked Carrot stop to avoid point-to-point speed camera fine

For years, Perth man Rob has lived by a very simple tradition while driving Douth. Without fail, he’ll stop off at the Crooked Carrot to destroy their toilet after a coffee.

His family always assumed he just loved the coffee there. However, Rob is craftier than that. After advising waiting customers to “give it 5 minutes”, he told The Times,

“It’s that point-to-point speed camera between Lake Clifton and Binningup. I’ve never known anyone to actually get pinged but it’s always stuck with me. Just break up your journey with a monster shit at the Crooked Carrot and you’re gravy mate”

This year is particularly special, with Rob’s son now of age to lay his own epic cable in the toilet and give them that well needed buffer. Rob couldn’t be more proud of their boy with a total down time of 15 minutes meaning he was at no risk of getting pinged.

Not everyone is convinced this time-saving hack is worth it, however. With many questioning how one would manage to even blitz the 30km stretch with all the right lane campers.

Rob concedes that maintaining a speed above 110kph on this stretch would be difficult but not impossible. This point was backed up by a local Ranger driver who said he could do it.

We spoke to the Ranger driver who was tailgating other customers in the queue to order a coffee. He told The Times,

“Last summer I basically smashed and terrorised my way through the stretch. I was easily averaging 125kph so if it wasn’t chucking the biggest shit of my life in the Crooked Carrot toilet I would’ve been a goner. You’d be surprised how fast people get out of your way when you start waving a spear gun out the window ha ha”

For now at least, Rob has avoided a double demerit hit and is feeling light & breezy.

RELATED: Tourism WA Names The Right-hand Lane of Forrest Highway WA’s Best Camping Spot

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