A man who happily swam at Mullalo last summer can’t believe the concerns that athletes are having about competing in the aquatic shittopia that is the River Seine in Paris.
Although having a persistent rash, feelings of doom and an algae like taste in his mouth he was livid at Mullalo beach closures then and he’s livid at all the hate France is copping. He added,
“It was often just me and Trevor out there. No one else had the bottle then again I drink a lot of water directly out of the hose. It’s what I tell my wife keeps me strong and healthy”
The man is even more keen to take a dip in the Seine now that he reckons he’s a chance to win the swim. Adding,
“These snowflake Olympians will be worrying about pissing out their arse for a month while I’ll be smashing it through that lovely slurry”
At the time of writing this, the Mullalo swimmer hasn’t sought medical attention for consuming massive amounts of blue green algae.
Get some help mate.