Mundaring man announces, “that Barnett feller ain’t getting my vote!” on decennial trip to civilisation

A Mundaring man has been forced to venture to Perth this week and has wasted no time letting the big smoke city slickers know what he thinks about the current state of politics!

We spoke to Bill who claimed to be “a bit of a news buff” and one of the most informed men in the isolated wilderness of Mundaring. He told The Times,

“I wrote a letter to Colon asking permission to take out my neighbour’s dog because it kept getting into my chicken coop. No response! How is the leader of the WA Government going to treat his constituents like that!”

While not wanting to set Ol’ Bill off we suggested that there had been a few changes since his last trip to Perth in 2015. However, he wasn’t having any of it. Even telling The Times,

“Roger who? What’s COVID? Metrowhat? I don’t even know what you’re talking about. It’s about time Colon got off his high horse and got serious about fencing regulation in the Eastern Metro Region! Don’t even get me started on Troy Buswell”

Asked who he would be voting for, Ol’ Bill simply said,

“whoever promises to sign off on the illegal granny flat I built on my property. Maybe that McGowan bloke should stand up and have a run at the job”

Fair enough Ol’ Bill.

Documenting the Human Zoo is thirsty work, so if you enjoyed what you read how about buying Belle a beer, ay?