Office toilet wondering what it did wrong in a past life

A communal bathroom facility has pondered the tough questions this morning after yet another session of inhumanity.

Not one to consider itself spiritual, the bathroom is now wondering what it had done wrong in a past life to deserve its current fate.

A spokesperson for the bathroom told The Times,

“I know the bathroom is a collection of inanimate objects with no sentience but that just goes to show you how gruesome it is treated. How do you get stains there? What happened in that bowl? Did humans do this? It is beginning to think it was a seriously bad egg before being reincarnated as an office toilet”

In the interest of thorough journalism we spoke to two known bathroom offenders. Mrs X and Mr Y. Mr Y was a bit sheepish but Mrs X was more forthcoming. Telling The Times,

“Every time I go into the toilet I like to picture it as the person who decided to make Kwinana Southbound only 2 lanes. That’s why I have no mercy. I am not even sorry for the collateral damage because I don’t like my coworkers much either”

Hang in there bathroom, life gets better… probably.

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