OPINION: why you should be thankful you even have a slab on your new build after 5 years

Whinge, whinge fkn whinge, to quote the great man chopper. All these clients sending us strongly worded emails about their precious little new build. 

Well have you ever stopped for a moment and considered how the builder who took on far too much work then they could handle feels? No, then have a good hard look in the mirror son.

If I was you, I’d stop “talking to ya lawyers” and get down on your hands and knees and thank us the old school way for even getting your slab laid, princess. 

Firstly, your house is shit mate. Why do you even want it finished? You’re only going to be disappointed that you cheaped out on a standard home build from the ugly, cookie cutter crap that we often povos like you.

Secondly, think about all that good quality bonding time you’ve had with your inlaws thanks to us! Yous gave up that rental about 4 years too early ha ha. Now you’ve really connected with your extended family and that’s everything. 

Do you know how many better jobs we could’ve been doing if we didn’t have to take time out of our schedule to lay your shitty little slab? 

I’m getting a little fired up even thinking about the lack of gratitude flowing our way. Think about all the things you can do with a slab.

Slab party, a good foundation to pitch a tent and the kids can even play a little handball if you get some chalk. That’s how a positive mindset thinks.

Not you though, oh no, non stop crying about how we’ve overpromised, under delivered and somehow “ruined ya life”. Grow up. 

In summary, you have a lovely new slab when some of our customers don’t even have a hard surface to live on. Try walking a mile in someone else’s shoes to get some perspective. 

How’s it even our fault anyway? Gen Z doesn’t want to get a bloody honest trade because they think every construction site is run by bullies and criminals.

So how about you send some of those emails to your local schools and call the snowflakes soft little cunnys.

God I’m sick of you clients. 

Documenting the Human Zoo is thirsty work, so if you enjoyed what you read how about buying Belle a beer, ay?