OPINION: young people don’t deserve to be paid a living wage

G’day, Alan here and I have had an absolute gutful of young snowflakes not wanting to work for the VERY generous peanuts I see fit to through their way.

Let’s get a few things straight. I worked the first 30 years of my life for nothing but a few bowls of Apricot chicken a week and I was bloody grateful.

Unlike this latest generation who keep whinging that they aren’t paid enough to live! Yet they have their own corner of a room in a sharehouse with a ROOF over their head! Talk about luxury.

I never had a roof over my head. I was born and forged in the elements. I would think about that on my 3 hour walk to work every day in 55 degree heat. Once I’d get to work I’d say, dad, thanks for the opportunity.

Compare that to one of the last young people I employed in my office, he kept complaining that he couldn’t afford a car to get to work. HA! Pathetic.

I can see your stupid little TikTok brain isn’t getting it. Let me put it another way, who is benefiting more from working with me and getting all my wisdom and skill? That’s right, the employee.

So why shouldn’t the employee pay me! They are the one benefiting. All I’m left with is some snowflake that is concerned about the effects of an 80-hour week on their “mental health”.

There is no such thing as mental health. Just ask my ex wives and the 15 glasses of red wine I drink every night, cob.

In summary, young people should be paying to work for me. End of.

Documenting the Human Zoo is thirsty work, so if you enjoyed what you read how about buying Belle a beer, ay?