IN FOCUS: The Perf art of queuing up relentlessly for anything
For most people, lining up to nab free spuds or glazed diabetes is a disgraceful waste of life, but to others, it packs the kind…
View More IN FOCUS: The Perf art of queuing up relentlessly for anything10 hottest activities for a day out in Kewdale
Kewdale is a tradie’s paradise mixed with some classic and progressive Belmont characteristics. Make it yours today. 1. Bow before the Bin Chicken kingdom at…
View More 10 hottest activities for a day out in KewdaleMetallica reveal they are coming to Perth so they can get their hands on a Belmont bloke who downloaded Enter Sandman on Napster in ’99
Metallica fans have been celebrating today after it was revealed the band will be coming to Perth next year, the first time since 2013. Many…
View More Metallica reveal they are coming to Perth so they can get their hands on a Belmont bloke who downloaded Enter Sandman on Napster in ’9913 Ways to Milk Every Drop out of West Perth
West Perth is admittedly a weird suburb. It hasn’t got a major supermarket, it’s about 30% arterial roads and cracktivities are ripe. Nevertheless, there’s more…
View More 13 Ways to Milk Every Drop out of West PerthKing Charles admits Perth snub was in protest of WA changing the name of his countrymen’s train line
Adoring British expats had been struggling to deal with the pain of their glorious leader snubbing Westralia on his royal tour. That’s until King Charles…
View More King Charles admits Perth snub was in protest of WA changing the name of his countrymen’s train line11 Types of People Found In Every Group Chat
The groupchat can be a helpful tool. It can also be a perfect example of why humans are the least social, social animal on earth.…
View More 11 Types of People Found In Every Group Chat