Permai demands transfer back to WA after hearing about South Australian cuisine

Pemai the elephant has started her journey to Monarto Safari Park today and was initially excited for the sea change.

The big girl was filled with excitement over the chance to run around with new elephant mates and roam the vast vegetation of the park.

That’s until someone told the majestic pachyderm about what those freaks in Radelaide like to eat. An insider told The Times,

“Everyone involved in the transfer was told not to mention those fkn pie floaters man. Now, Permai doesn’t know what she’s getting herself into. What kind of person would do that? What kind of population would allow it to flourish?”

At first, Permai thought she was safe, given the dish largely consists of a meat pie. However, in this brave new world, she was informed that vegetarian pie floaters are available.

It was at this point she knew she’d never be safe from this culinary atrocity and has therefore asked her minders to return to Perth immediately.

While the logistics of that are not possible, the WA Government has made it clear that “action” would be taken if anyone gets one of those abominations anywhere near the big girl.

Stay safe Permai, they are weird people. Some would even say delusional in their thoughts that they have equally good sunsets as WA.

Just because Radelaide faces the west, it doesn’t mean its sunsets are best.

Documenting the Human Zoo is thirsty work, so if you enjoyed what you read how about buying Belle a beer, ay?