Perth seller despondent after house languishes on market for 2 and a half minutes 

A Perth property seller can’t believe the 7th investment property he bought to flip is STILL on the market after a painful 2 and a half minutes of listing. 

Naturally, the boomer sacked his real estate agent and sought a more competent salesperson. He told The Times,

“Do they think I have forever? The last property I listed was on the market for 30 seconds before some cashed-up bogan working FIFO snapped it up without even seeing it. What do you call 2 and half minutes?!”

Playing devil’s advocate, The Times put it to the boomer that perhaps asking $2M for a property that had more mould than a cheese factory was the reason for the delay. He snapped back,

“RUBBISH. People should be paying me to clean up these properties. I make a point of not selling to anyone who turns their noses up at the bacteria farm I have in the back which is technically a pool”

Luckily for the aggrieved boomer, the property sold at the 2-minute 45-second mark. However, experts are saying this kind of delay is “troubling”.

We spoke to a Perth property market specialist who told The Times that if properties are not being snapped up by a cash buyer within 30 seconds then the bubble might be bursting. Adding,

“When I heard it took over 2 minutes to sell a house I was pretty shocked. If this trend continues I think we could see some real pain for people who sought to capitalise on the hot market now. Then again, my buddy just sold his house before listing it. Some guy just rocked up to his house with a briefcase full of cash”

Troubling indeed.