While most normal people would avoid travelling to an area that is set to be smashed by a tropical cyclone, Pilbara man Brayden has other ideas.
Where others see chaos, Brayden sees the beauty of a cyclone party – his favourite activity in the world. He told The Times,
“I’ve been keeping an eye on the cunnovadog and I reckon this weekend is gonna be off chops. Don’t have any cyclones up here atm so I’m gonna chase the storm bro”
The cyclone has garnered plenty of attention from the Pilbara that the Queensland Government had to release a statement saying that they didn’t want the Gold Coast to become a sort of “Leavers” for fully grown unhinged, red dirt stained maniacs.
A spokesperson for Queensland released the following statement to The Times,
“Please don’t come. We have enough idiots in our own State, we don’t need to be importing more who will see this as an opportunity to play Centurion every day and whatever else those Pilbara morons do during cyclonic conditions”
Brayden will not be stopped however. Telling his work that he couldn’t give a fark if they fire him because he’s off to the Goldy and won’t be back until planes are allowed to fly again.
On’ya Brayden.
Documenting the Human Zoo is thirsty work, so if you enjoyed what you read how about buying Belle a beer, ay?