Raygun reveals her next big move: stealing Christmas

After her legal team gave a small comedy club owner the gift of a $10,000 demand, Raygun has allegedly turned her attention to the next stage of her plan.

In a PR move some are calling “misguided”, Raygun is planning to steal Christmas. A move closely modelled on The Grinch that she has copyrighted anyway.

We spoke to an insider who said Raygun feels that Australians still “aren’t getting it” and the continued mockery of her elite dancing ability must be avenged. Adding,

“No one is better at turning the public against them than Raygun. If bad PR was an Olympic sport she sure as heck wouldn’t score 0. She’d be on that middle podium biting down on some gold”

Related: Raygun shuts down Caucasian wedding after hearing a bloke whipped out the sprinkler

Although, Xmas stealing experts say the move might be disastrous for the ex-Olympian. Given that the entire point of the How the Grinch Stole Christmas was to learn the true spirit of giving. Adding,

“She’s already pretty comfortable giving people cease& desist letters and letters of demand so if she truly learns the joy of giving then we could all be in some strife”

Something to think about.

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