REPORT: Vape ban going pretty well for the dart scabbing community 

A report commissioned by the Australian Government after banning non therapeutic, disposable vapes has found an unlikely benefactor. 

Given the extra expense & fark around associated with getting vapes now, dart usage has slowly crept back into the fold. 

Which is great news for all those blokes at the pub who love one when they are drinking but never want to commit to buying a pack because “they aren’t a smoker”.

We spoke to a chronic dart scabber who admitted he was “loving it”, adding,

“Last few years have been tough for men like me. Everyone in the smoking section just puffing on vapes, darts really seemed like an endangered species. Thanks to the Australian Government though I’m bumming left right and centre”

The Vape ban has also motivated some individuals to offer cheaper packs of darts which are almost certainly counterfeit but people don’t care. One smoker told The Times,

“I’m putting pure Big C into my body, you think I care if it’s a real Winfield or not? They taste pretty rough but that’s the price you pay for pursing your love of a dart with a froff”

Those unwilling to cop the price of half decent darts haven’t enjoyed the extra attention. One telling The Times,

“When a pub scab walks through the smoking section and sees you with a real Benson & Hedges you better believe he looks at you like an OF model looks at the tax free threshold. I don’t like how they undress my pack with their eyes. Then offer me $2 for one. I think I paid double that!”

Well there you go.