Perth bikie leaves life behind to pursue the more lucrative world of reselling driving tests to L-Platers

A former Perth 1%’er who doesn’t wish to be named has decided to depart from the usual activities of his former club and pursue a hustle that is far more lucrative than any other his past capers. 

He’s been accused of all sorts of crime over the years from selling narcotics to extorting local business but his new venture is making him stacks of cash – reselling driver tests that he books to despo L-Platers.

Under the promise of anonymity, the man told The Times,

“At the end of the day, I was just a bloke who hung around other blokes who liked motorbikes. We sold the occasional thing that came off a truck, or the haul of a fkn yacht in the Abrolhos *winks powerfully* but now I realise I gotta sell people shit they TRULY need”

Yes, an available slot for a driver test is now more valuable than gold itself and the practice is legal. Something that both delights and disgusts the man. He continued,

“Feel like a real goodie two shoes now but hey I got $500 out of this desperate mother the other day who said if she had to drive her kid to one more fkn party she was going to scream”

True to form, the hulking man was unable to fully clean his act up. Offering an “additional service” to students who drive like shit and can’t pass a test. He told us,

“Now, it’s in my best interest to just keep selling them tests but if they want to pay me $5k to staunch the driving test dog I will. Kinda makes me feel a bit more respectable. Not such a sell-out”

RELATED: Perth Driver’s Licences Now Conditional On Passing Simulated Bunbury Farmers Market Test

The true genius of his business model you may ask? Well he gets kids to rack up a debt to him and they pay it off by sitting in his living room booking tests as they pop up. A tactic he developed when running a “kitchen” in a Kwinana rental. 

Documenting the Human Zoo is thirsty work, so if you enjoyed what you read how about buying Belle a beer, ay?
