The Cockburn Dockers really lived up to their name with an offer to star midfielder Andrew Brayshaw that he couldn’t refuse.
No doubt more than a few clubs would’ve been keen to have the talented workhorse sign on so it was imperative they gave him the right incentive to stay. A source close to the club told The Times,
“So between you and me, the club struck a deal with the City of Cockburn to bring back the faces at the Cockburn traino. They are an important part of Perth culture and sorely missed. They were then able to strike a deal that Brayshaw got to headline a sign for a 3 year period. I mean, who is going to turn that down?”
Of course, the deal is more nuanced than that and Freo will have to actually win a flag first. Which has left some footy pundits scratching their head.
We spoke to a typical smoothbrained VFL type who told The Times,
“You managed to keep Brayshaw with just a promise of glory? How important are these Cockburn faces to people? Weird State, weird City, weird football club”
Well, obviously the Victorian mind can’t comprehend the glory of being a face of Cockburn and that’s OK. They aren’t there for you, they are there for us. Or at least were.
Time to make Cockburn traino great again. Well done Andy.
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