Mr Mount Lawley

Mount Lawley is the bohemian flame to which the scarfed Perthian is drawn. It is a bustling hub of irritating fashion, latte-sipping fixie connoisseurs and…

Mr Mandurah

Farken Mandurah. A hard-drinking marine environment that offers you a chance to catch crabs in the estuaries or from the slurry you rail at Chicken…


PETA epitomises the notion that a messenger can ruin the message. They depict anyone who seeks to commoditise animals as being as sinister as Paul…

Mr Newly Single

Chantelle grew tired of walking all over Simon like a crusty doormat. She yearned to get jiggy with a fresher prince and gave Simon his…

Mr Andy C

Drum & Bass music flows through the undercurrent of Perth and pulsates a 180bpm rhythm through the human-vascular system that spawns from Ambar to Metros…