Perth Man Immediately Regrets Mentioning How Windy it is Around Colleague Born in Geraldton
It’s a hot one in Perth with gusty winds forecasted. Needless to say, to the casual observer it could be declared to be a bit…
It’s a hot one in Perth with gusty winds forecasted. Needless to say, to the casual observer it could be declared to be a bit…
A Melbourne man experienced culture shock this weekend when he attended a Bunnings sausage sizzle with his Westralian host. Feeling the lovely effects of 13…
The 2028 Olympics will be the first Olympics to trial “Caucasian wedding dancing” as an event after the overwhelming popularity of the Breaking in Paris. …
Engineers have released a concerning report this morning after assessing Perth Stadium in the wake of Hardwick’s address to his players after effectively ending their…
Carlton & United Breweries saw opportunities where France saw disaster. Offering the European nation a pretty penny for some of that sweet, sweet Seine water. …
A Perth man has finally destroyed the last remaining thread he shared with his distant ancestors by actually purchasing a bunch of rosemary from Woolies…