Toyota jump on today’s Scarborough incident as proof a Prado can go off road

Toyota’s top brass have spent the afternoon fist pumping after footage emerged of a Prado being driven onto Scabs Beach with police in hot pursuit.

They said it was proof it wasn’t some “soccer mum” car and was a serious all terrain vehicle. A spokesperson for Toyota told The Times,

“Look at that! Smashing it down stairs and then driving onto a beach! An actual outdoor beach! That ain’t a winery! That ain’t the Boatshed supermarket. Get a Prado up ya!”

The excitement was indeed palpable and Toyota marketing executives have already started plans to use the incident in their next campaign, which is called, “see? They are real four wheel drives”

However, not everyone is convinced the incident is a good look for Toyota. With many claiming that while it was proof the vehicle could go off road, the fact it only got 10m onto the beach was a bit lacklustre.

Such remarks have been met with a sharp retort by the car manufacturer who simply say,

“off road is off road, sales are going to quadruple in the divorced professionals going through a midlife crisis market”

Well done Toyota. You earned this one.

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