WA Labor has made a bold election promise to crackdown on anyone caught filming burnouts or doughies in vertical orientation rather than the infinitely preferred horizontal orientation.
The election promise was made today at a press conference as the WA Government declared they’ve had an absolute gutful of bad hoon footage.
A source close to WA Labor told The Times,
“They are wanting to send a clear message to any wannabe crimfluencer that turning your camera horizontal isn’t difficult and it captures the scene much better. There is nothing more frustrating than trying to watch a sik burnout and not being able to see crucial moments due to the tyres being out of frame!”
If elected, anyone caught filming in vertical orientation in circumstances where horizontal would be preferred will be sent straight to prison.
We spoke to a budding crimfluencer who told The Times that he was guilty of vertical orientation but pleaded for understanding, adding,
“There is a long and proud tradition of vertical orientation in the idiot hoon scene and it’s nothing something we can just stop overnight. We are sorry for the hurt we cause and hopefully with education we can get better”
WA Police have backed WA Labor and called the proposed laws, “necessary”.
Documenting the Human Zoo is thirsty work, so if you enjoyed what you read how about buying Belle a beer, ay?