Wallabies fans to be separated into St Georges & Adelaide Terrace sections for the comfort of the greater Terrace

It appears the thought of sharing a seat or neighbouring box next to an Adelaide Terrace corporate miner was too much for the purebred St Georges Terrace corporate miners to take.

Accordingly, a representative of the St Georges Terrace R.M Williams Society reached out to Perth Stadium to ensure they wouldn’t have to mix with the riff raff.

A statement obtained exclusively by The Times reads,

“Nothing ever good has come of our two cultures meeting. If you’re not strutting around Brookfield Place each morning in your lanyard then we don’t want you near us at the rugby. We call on Perth Stadium to take measures to keep all Adelaide Terrace behaviour contained”

We managed to track down an Adelaide Terrace miner who had been shining his boots all day in the hopes that Twiggy will notice him. He told The Times,

“This is just like at Diggers & Dealers when they tried to get us banned from the Exchange. We are people too! Are our Chinos any less tan than theirs? Are our RMs more scuffed? Do our lanyards not shine as bright in the Terrace sun?”

To complicate matters, Perth Stadium will have to deal with the unfortunate overlap of Saffa corporate miners who will also need to be sectioned off for obvious reasons.

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