West Coast fan feels the cruel spectre of hope creep in

West Coast Eagles fan, Todd, found himself smiling this morning as he thought to himself – there’s a chance this afternoon. 

It’s an emotion he hasn’t dared to indulge in for some time. Undoubtedly it’s benefited his outlook on life but his partner has characterised it as a “cruel spectre of hope” that has crept in. Adding,

“His happiness is totally tethered to the Eagles. I keep telling him to manage his expectations. They’ve had a few ripper upsets but it’s still a team on the rebuild. Hope can be a dangerous thing”

After analysing the last 5 games it’s clear that there is hope. 2 upsets at home, 2 valiant efforts, and one cherry-red-spanking. 

We spoke to Todd who was alternating between 1000-mile stares, brave little smiles and, unadulterated gee’ing up. Going as far as to tell his partner to fire up and stop being a sadcunt because it’s game day. He told us,

“It’s a rollercoaster of emotion mate. Last season I knew there would be a loss so just wanted to see some magic from the rookies. However after a couple of decent efforts and even wins I find my mind drifting towards the sweet embrace of the victory quickly ruined by the Birds of Tokyo”

We talked to one of Todd’s friends who told The Times that they were worried about the way Todd was talking. Adding,

“He kept saying things like, Rankine’s out, Laird is out of form, and if they can just shut down Crouch and win centre clearances they are in for an upset today. I told him to just see what happens and enjoy the day out with his friends and family, we’re all here for him”

Then again, who is anyone to rob Todd from his little moment of hope. After all, the AFL world can’t predict what the Eagles will bring to the table. So why not?

Perhaps the uncontrollable sobbing and rubbing one out to the 2006 GF final after loses. Then again, who are we to tell Todd how to grieve? 

Hope is indeed a harsh mistress.