Yallingup beach house owner forced to check surf report before bothering to contact a tradie

A semi-retired Perth man who now spends most of his time down South doing odd jobs around his Yallingup beach house has been met with a familiar dilemma. 

He needs some fairly urgent plumbing work done – if you consider rectifying an overflowing toilet with accompanying pungent shitstink to be urgent. 

Alas, from experience he knows it’s not that simple. He told The Times,

“Those Dunsborough tradies talk a big game about getting any job done but let me tell you phones tend to ring out when there’s some good swell. It has taken me a while but I now know how to identify satisfactory surfing conditions and plan my time accordingly”

Today was his lucky day as the surfing conditions were nothing to write home about. Alas it wasn’t always that simple.

He recalled a time where a south west swell met a solid easterly to form some pumping surf. It was also the time his wiring decide to cack its dacks. He told The Times,

“Yes, that was a tough week a few winters ago. It was premium conditions for surf for many days in a row so I just ended up living by candlelight. No one seemed keen to come out and do the job!”

That’s the way she blows bud.